Monday, February 7, 2011

We Moved! (Before and After pictures)

The Kitchen


The Bedroom


Notice the great Decemberists poster from Dorothy


The Study/Lounge Room



Our color-coded bookshelf! (Front is in color, behind that is a row of black and white)

So a few weeks ago we moved!  Our old house was great, we really enjoyed the neighborhood and had a really great group of roommates.  But after 7 months of sharing an average sized kitchen with 12 other people, and being woken up too early sometimes it was time for our own place.  We viewed a few places, applied for 2, and got 1!

It's a heritage house so the house is really old.  The bottom floor is a dentists office, and the top floor is split in 2, with another couple having the front half of the house, and we have the back.  While the front is nice as it has a balcony looking out over Glebe Point Road, our house is nice and quiet and looks out over the back alley, so it stays nice and quiet.

Despite working for a moving company we hand carried everything over to the new house (it's about 3 blocks away from the old house--2 blocks up Glebe Point Road, and 1 block in towards GPR).  This includes our queen size bed, frame, and armchair! (Stefan did a yeomans duty with this move.)  It's taken a bit of time to get everything situated, with a few trips to Kmart, Vinnies (like Salvation Army/Goodwill), and one very strenuous trip to Office Works for a desk and chair.  We found some items on the side of the road--our clothes rack, that bookshelf that holds our tv, books, and bookies, and n64.  We bought side tables at a reject shop, and another bookshelf off of Gumtree, which is the Craigslist of OZ.

The thing we loved about the house when we viewed it was that it gets tons of natural light.  This is mostly a blessing, but during the heat wave we've had recently it can be a bit of a curse as the kitchen turns into a sauna during the day (hence those hideous make-shift curtains).  But we know that it will be great in the winter as it will keep the room warm.  We're also still in Glebe, the neighborhood we lived in before, and now we're even closer to the main road, Glebe Point Road, where we can go to cafes, buy fruit and fresh-baked bread, visit the butcher, the dry cleaner, and pick up the bus to go to CBD or work!

It's so nice to come home at the end of the day and have our own space to unwind in, and I'm sure when school is back in session at the end of the month it will be even more appreciated!

So thats our big news, and also why we haven't updated in so long! (We're still figuring out an internet provider, we had Virgin but it didn't work in our area and ended up being a big waste of time.)

In other news... we're planning a trip to TASMANIA! :) 

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